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Google My Business Profile Optimization for Randolph's Lawn and Landscape Management

Randolph’s Lawn and Landscape Management, based in Schertz, TX, is a local landscaping company offering a wide range of services, including lawn maintenance, landscape design, irrigation system installation, and more. As part of their efforts to increase their online visibility and attract more local customers, they sought the assistance of our Alan SEO Company to optimize their Google My Business (GMB) profile. This case study outlines the strategies and techniques employed to enhance their GMB presence and the subsequent results achieved.

Client Background

Randolph’s Lawn and Landscape Management had been operating in the Schertz area for several years, but they faced stiff competition in the local landscaping industry. While they had a well-established customer base, they wanted to expand their reach and attract new clients. Recognizing the importance of a strong online presence, they approached our agency for help in optimizing their GMB profile.

GMB Optimization


Low Visibility: The client’s GMB profile had limited visibility in local search results, making it difficult for potential customers to find them online.

Incomplete Information: The GMB profile lacked essential information, such as updated business hours, photos, and customer reviews, which hindered its appeal to potential customers.

Inconsistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number): Inaccurate NAP data across online directories was causing confusion among potential customers and negatively impacting local search rankings.

Strategies and Techniques

Our team implemented a comprehensive Google My Business profile optimization strategy for Randolph’s Lawn and Landscape Management. The following techniques were used to address the challenges:

Keyword Research: We conducted extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and highly searched keywords related to landscaping services in Schertz, TX.

Complete Profile Information: We updated and completed the GMB profile with accurate and detailed business information, including address, phone number, website URL, and business hours.

High-Quality Photos and Videos: We encouraged the client to upload high-resolution images and videos showcasing their past projects, team members, and services offered.

Customer Reviews Management: We developed a review management strategy to solicit positive reviews from satisfied customers and promptly address any negative feedback.

NAP Consistency: We conducted a thorough audit of the client’s online presence and ensured that their NAP data was consistent across all online directories and platforms.

Post Regular Updates: We created and posted regular GMB updates, including announcements, promotions, and informative content, to engage with the local audience.

Local SEO Optimization: We optimized the GMB profile for local SEO, including the use of relevant geo-targeted keywords and geotags for images.


The implementation of these optimization techniques had a significant impact on Randolph’s Lawn and Landscape Management’s GMB profile and overall online presence:

Improved Visibility: The client’s GMB profile began to rank higher in local search results, making it more visible to potential customers searching for landscaping services in Schertz, TX.

Increased Engagement: Regular updates and high-quality visuals led to increased engagement on the GMB profile, with more clicks, calls, and direction requests.

Positive Reviews: The client received an influx of positive customer reviews, which improved their overall reputation and credibility.

NAP Consistency: Consistent NAP data across online directories reduced customer confusion and improved the company’s local search rankings.

Optimizing Randolph’s Lawn and Landscape Management’s Google My Business profile using ethical and manual techniques yielded substantial improvements in their online visibility, engagement, and reputation. By addressing the challenges they faced, our agency helped the client achieve better rankings in local search results, attracting new customers and ultimately contributing to their business growth in the Schertz, TX area. This case study serves as an example of the positive impact that GMB profile optimization can have on local businesses.

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